On Friday, July 8, the Marion Concert Band continues its Friday evening concert series with a program of music based on two themes. The first half of the program will feature soundtrack music from a variety of motion pictures and TV shows. The second half of the program will be feature movie music with a “space” theme. The program is as follows:
American Legion March – C. Parker
Skydance – R. Sheldon
The Sounds of Hollywood – J. Higgins
Viktor’s Tale (from The Terminal) – J. Williams; Scotty Estacio, clarinet
Bond…James Bond – arr. S. Bulla
Pirates of the Caribbean – K. Badelt
Prime Time Toon Revue – arr. T. Ricketts
Theme from The Summer of ’42 – M. Legrand
Jurassic Park Soundtrack Highlights – J. Williams
Star Trek Through the Years – J. Moss
Dr. Who: Through Time and Space – M. Gold
Theme from E.T. – J. Williams
The Trombone King – K. L. King
Scotty Estacio is the principal clarinetist of Our Lady of Light Band in Fall River, MA, a group he started playing with in 1994. He is also a member of the Tri-County Symphonic Band and plays saxophone in the funk band GTFO. When not making music, he works on expanding his own business, SE Custom Homes Designs, where he designs new home construction, additions and renovations.
The concert will be held at the Robert Broomhead Bandstand, Island Wharf off Front Street in Marion. The program, under the direction of Tobias Monte, will begin at 7:00. All concerts are free and open to the public. “Like” us on Facebook at “Marion Town Band” for up-to-date announcements and rain cancellation notices.