First Seafood Fest A Grand Success

The big white tent at Shipyard Park was packed with patrons of the first Harvest Moon Seafood Festival on Sunday, October 14.  The event, held in honor of Turk’s Seafood Restaurant founder Richard “Turk” Pasquill, was a joint effort between the Town of Mattapoisett and the Mattapoisett Police Officers Association.

“He really loved this town and he’s been gone for 20 years now,” said his son, Richard Pasquill.  “He’d be honored to see how many people came together for this, from the town, to the police, the town hall, they all made this possible.”

“Chief Lyons, Officer Craig LeBlanc, and myself have been members of the Police Officers Association for over 20 years,” said Officer Mitchell Suzan.  “We wanted to get the town involved so we worked with Melody Pacheco over at the Town Hall and we got all the other businesses involved.  Everything here has been donated by local businesses.”

Suzan said that the proceeds from the event would be split between the Town of Mattapoisett and the Police Officers Association.  The Town plans to use the money to pay for new holiday lighting and the Association plans on using the money for medical devices for disabled residents.

“We’re excited about doing something this positive,” said Lyons.

The festival had a line half-way up the lawn of Shipyard Park fifteen minutes after they opened the doors.  They sold over 200 tickets in advance of the festival, but many in line were buying at the door.  At the far end of the tent, a jazz quartet led by saxophonist and Mattapoisett native Trevor Kellum, played old standards from Dave Brubek to Miles Davis.  Crews from Turk’s and Oxford Creamery were handing out samples of lobster rolls, clam chowder, grilled and fried scallops.

Among the many cooks were Building Commissioner Andy Bobola and Town Administrator Mike Gagne, who were in charge of grilling up the scallops.

“It’s been a grand success,” said Melody Pacheco, assistant to the Town Administrator and event co-organizer.  “It’s all thanks to the businesses, the Town Hall, the whole community.  Everybody here has volunteered their time.  We have a lot of support from the residents and we hope to have another festival next year.”

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