The Rochester Select Board met on Monday night, approved the final draft of the warrant for the May 23 Annual Town Meeting and reviewed what might become its most problematic article.
A citizen’s petition article would authorize the town to enter into a 99-year lease agreement with a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization to build affordable housing on four acres on the south side of Perry’s Lane. The lease price tag would be for $1, and the units would be limited to Rochester seniors and veterans.
Town Counsel Blair Bailey told the board he has several problems with the petition but cannot suggest changes prior to Town Meeting. A petition article must be published in a warrant as is because the citizens who signed the document were signing onto its exact language.
Bailey said a particular non-profit is behind the petition but added that this agreement would have to be open to any 501(c)(3), and the town may not be able to restrict the project to town residents.
His biggest problem with the measure, he said, is that a town cannot enter a 99-year lease. For that, the town would need special state legislative approval, which then would require a separate town meeting approval. “They’ve put the cart before the horse here,” Bailey said. “The town can’t do this without a special act of legislation.”
Town Administrator Glenn Cannon said the warrant will be posted on the town website ( this week. The 28-article warrant features a $24,174,626 operating budget for FY23 that includes both town and school expenditures.
The board attracted its largest audience on Monday, however, for its annual renewal of the Sippican Rod and Gun Club Range Permit. Club members packed the meeting room to standing-room-only level in response to the board placing it as an agenda item for special discussion.
Club president Andrew Daniel explained to the board that the club is nearly 100 years old, and its practices have met or exceeded mandated safety standards for a long time. “We are very proud of our safety record,” he said.
Select Board member Woody Hartley explained why he had sparked making it a separate agenda item. “Why I brought this up is that I had no backup information in my packet,” he said. “I never vote on something without having a full understanding of it. Now I am satisfied.”
In other action, the board appointed town resident Michael Gifford as a new member of the Conservation Commission, issued a citation congratulating Gail Roberts on her retirement after 15 years as director of the Plumb Library and issued a one-day liquor license for an Old Rochester Youth Baseball event scheduled for Saturday, May 21, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. at the Arch at the Meadow facility, 332 Mendell Road.
The Rochester Select Board will meet next on Monday, May 16, at 6:00 pm.
Rochester Select Board
By Michael J. DeCicco