A Special Permit was approved for a very large, stand-alone garage when the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals met on April 21. Seated to hear the single case on this night’s agenda were Chairman Susan Akin, Kenneth Pacheco, Colby Rottler and Jordan Rodrigues.
Coming before the board and representing his client Tracey White was David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone Inc. Davignon described the proposed project. The lot located at 70 Aucoot Road is, “…like a long bowling alley, 90 feet wide and 1.8 acres.”
Davignon said that the garage, an access building, will have four bays and will be used to store boats, recreation vehicles, cars and a residential tractor. The construction of the single-story building is planned on an existing pea stone driveway, he said.
The Special Permit is needed due to the size of the structure. Zoning requires that accessory buildings cover no more than 864 square feet. White’s plan calls for his accessory building to be double that size. Davignon assured the board that the lot coverage would be a mere 4 percent. He also said that there would not be any grading or fill used on the project and that FEMA performance standards would be met, given the project is in the Flood Zone.
After closing the public meeting to comments and or questions of which there were none, Rottler said, “It’s probably bigger than what we’d allow, but no abutters commented.” He also noted the building would not be visible from the road.
The Special Permit was unanimously approved. The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals was not scheduled upon adjournment.
Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals
By Marilou Newell