To the Editor;
A quotation in last week’s account of the Planning Board’s meeting about the proposed solar bylaw deserves my response.
A town official is quoted, “We need to look at Mattapoisett as Mattapoisett and take a hard look at what we are planning, not killing possible revenue. Ninety-four percent of the town is residential, we need commercial development.”
My response: “We need to look at Mattapoisett as Mattapoisett and take a hard look at what we are planning….”
At one time, well over 30% of Mattapoisett was considered wetlands or hydric soil. What does the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture say that figure is today? Fifty-six years ago, Mattapoisett’s Master Plan recommended “Town conservation of all wetlands and drainage ways.” Over time, the next Master Plan and other agencies as well as Town Meeting have recommended the same. No favorable action.
We are losing wetlands at an astonishing rate to development. This is something Mattapoisett cannot afford.
Brad Hathaway, Mattapoisett
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