Tri-County Symphonic Band

On Sunday, March 20 at 3:00 pm, the Tri-County Symphonic Band, under the direction of Philip Sanborn, will present “Marches For A Cure” in the Keith Middle School Auditorium, 225 Hathaway Blvd., New Bedford, MA. The concert is being held in partnership with the “Izzy Foundation,” a national non-profit organization located in Providence, RI. The foundation designs, funds and inspires creative projects, as well as academic scholarships, to help children with cancer and other debilitating illnesses laugh, love and play. The name “Izzy” is in honor of Isabelle Marie Wohlrab who passed away from pediatric cancer at the age of two and a half after inspiring many. The concert features the many different varieties of the musical form, the march. These include favorites like the National March of America, “The Stars and Stripes Forever” as well as the very different approaches to the march form by European composers from Italy, Czech Republic, Belgium, Austria and France. The concert will demonstrate that the march is indeed a “many splendored thing.”

            Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door and may be purchased at the Symphony Music Shop in North Dartmouth and online at  Please visit for more detailed information.

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