Warrant Set for Town Meeting

            Having received news of the Finance Committee’s vote to approve two money-related articles for the Special Town Meeting, the Rochester Board of Selectmen was eager to add its endorsement of the warrant that will be put before the town’s voters on Monday, October 18, at Rochester Memorial School.

            Article 2 asks voters to appropriate $10,000 to replace the Assessors’ computerized system (CAMA) with a new and improved version from another vendor. Town Administrator Suzanne Szyndlar told the selectmen she anticipates $3,000 per year in savings and maintenance costs as a result. Article 3, which is related, asks voters to make a $3,000 commitment toward the Assessors’ supplemental budget for software and support.

            Previously, recommendations were made supporting Article 12 ($200,000 transfer to the Road Improvement Stabilization Fund) and Article 13 ($300,000 transfer to Rochester’s regular Stabilization Fund).

            In her Town Administrator’s Report, Szyndlar told the board that $1,415,268 in free cash has been certified in time for the Special Town Meeting. Acknowledging typical “turn-backs” adding up to between $100,000 and $200,000, Szyndlar said, “The trend won’t continue much longer.” Taking from free cash has been used to fund the Stabilization account.

            Rochester has received $78,000 more in federal CARES Act funding, bringing the town’s total to $904,000.

            “We spent the first allotment, so this will come in handy,” said Szyndlar, who told the selectmen that she has reached out to department heads, schools, the Fire Department, and the Council on Aging. “We’ll use all the money [within a] short period of time, so it’s going to be shovel-ready [projects].”

            In describing the website for new ARPA funding, Szyndlar said the requests potentially resulting in the release of $267,000 would fall into six categories and that the town, as has been the case with CARES Act funding, will continue to work through Plymouth County. The allocations will be based on population.

            The selectmen voted to designate access for two portals. Normally, the town administrator signs off on the grant, but in her dual role, including that of finance director, Szyndlar was approved to act as Rochester’s authorized representative and preparer for ARPA funding purposes.

            The selectmen announced their agreement to contract Community Paradigm Associates, LLC as a search firm to find a replacement for Szyndlar and agreed to sign the agreement subject to a vote of support at Town Meeting.

            The selectmen voted to recognize Cynthia Mello, the former town treasurer, with a citation thanking her for her 14 years of service to the town.

            The selectmen voted to accept a SEMASS PILOT payment of $363,956 for September.

            Selectman Paul Ciaburri acknowledged a $2,700 grant from Massachusetts Emergency Management that will be used to purchase a trailer to store hazmat suits and equipment. Ciaburri indicated that hazmat equipment is distributed in various places and this measure will locate it in one place.

            Unless it becomes necessary, the selectmen do not plan to meet prior to the October 18, 7:00 pm Special Town Meeting at Rochester Memorial School.

Rochester Board of Selectmen

By Mick Colageo

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