The Marion Concert Band will present a Latin-American “Festival” of music on Friday, August 13. The diverse program includes music from Mexico, Spain, Brazil, Cuba and the Caribbean, as well as familiar music that demonstrates the influence that Latin-American musical styles have had on American popular music. To add to the festive atmosphere of the evening, the audience is encouraged to wear tropical or Latin-American attire. The program is as follows: España Cañi (Paso Doble) – P. Marquina; Mexican Overture – M. J. Isaa; Caribbean Rondo – P. La Plante; Danzas Cubanas – R. Sheldon; Brazilian Festival – A. C. Jobim; Montego Bay (samba) – S. Nestico; Tijuana Brass in Concert – arr. T. Ricketts; Spain – C. Corea; Mambo Greats – S. Bulla; Blue Mambo – M. Sweeney; Mas Que Nada – J. Ben; Malagueña – E. Lecuona; Commandante (Marche Espagnole) – G. Guentzel.
The concert, under the direction of Tobias Monte, will begin at 7:00 pm at the Robert Broomhead Bandstand, Island Wharf off Front Street in Marion. All concerts are free and open to the public. ‘Like’ us on Facebook at “Marion Town Band” for up-to-date announcements and rain cancellation notices.