The Rochester Conservation Commission meeting was over before it began on August 3 because the commission was unable to conduct any business due to a lack of a quorum.
Although the commission had two brand new members in attendance – both appointed by the Board of Selectmen the night before – neither of them had been sworn in yet by the town clerk.
One of the new members, Bendrix Bailey, was listed on the agenda for a Notice of Intent for 0 Gerrish Road. Bailey is also a member of the Rochester Planning Board.
All of the public hearings listed on the agenda remained unopened and will be addressed at the commission’s next meeting on August 17.
Those include: Bendrix Bailey, 0 Gerrish Road, Notice of Intent; a request for a Certificate of Compliance filed by Rochester, MA 2, LLC, 268 Mattapoisett Road, for a ground-mounted solar array; the Notice of Intent filed by A.D. Makepeace, 0 County Road, located at the Morse Swamp Reservoir, in response to an Enforcement Order issued in December to restore and replicate wetlands; and a
NOI filed by Carl and Jennifer Achorn, 150 Snipatuit Road, to build a single-family home.
The next meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission will be held on Tuesday, August 17, at 7:00 pm via Zoom.
Rochester Conservation Commission
By Jean Perry
Is the reason that houses are being built on land that is homes to endangered turtles? Walnut Plain rd, and what’s going on with the bogs ?