In responding to Marion Public Health Nurse Lori Desmarais’ confirmation of widespread suspicion that COVID-19 cases are increasing, Marion Board of Health Chair Dr. Ed Hoffer was somewhat pleased to notice more people wearing masks than a couple of weeks ago.
“COVID hospitalizations are going up statewide; nothing like last winter, but well over double that of a month ago, and it’s not just asymptomatic cases,” he said during the board’s brief August 3 Zoom meeting.
In her report to the board, Desmarais said that Marion has gone from no active cases in June to 13 in July, and two so far in August. There are eight active cases, all of them in people under age 60.
The Department of Public Health report showed two cases come back as the Delta variant and two others as another lineage of the coronavirus.
Marion’s vaccination rates are considered high; 83 percent of the town’s population has had at least one dose, while 75 percent of residents are fully vaccinated.
Altogether, Marion has seen 435 COVID-19 cases.
So far, Marion has not had a case of West Nile or EEE virus, according to Desmarais. There have been 24 West Nile positives, but none in Plymouth County.
Tick-borne illnesses are another matter, as there has been an increase over last year at the same time. There have been nine cases of anaplasmosis over five at this time last year; Lyme is the exception, as 16 cases in 2021 are slightly fewer than the 18 known at this time last year.
Desmarais sent letters out to five establishments holding permits to sell tobacco products reminding them that those products are not allowed to carry flavors. She told the board that permit holders said they were not aware of the new regulations and would be reaching out to the manufacturers.
The first offense results in a $1,000 fine, the second offense $2,000, and the third offense $5,000.
Having approved regulations for body-art establishments, the Board of Health voted to approve two body-art business applications.
The next meeting of the Marion Board of Health was not set at adjournment.
Marion Board of Health
By Mick Colageo