What’s happening at the Elizabeth Taber Library?

The Outdoor Booksale is this Friday and Saturday, July 23 and 24, from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. All purchases directly benefit the library. Fill a small bag for $5 and a large bag for $10.

            Join us for an ice cream party on Saturday, July 31, at 12:00 pm. Come celebrate the summer with games and ice cream generously donated by Fieldstone Market. Outdoors at the library.

            Our Outdoor Story Times with Children’s Librarian Ms. Heather is every Friday at 10:30 am in our reading circle. All ages are welcome, no sign-up required, weather permitting.

            Don’t forget to sign up for the Tales and Tails summer reading program! Sign up at the Elizabeth Taber Library to receive a Reading Buddy Kit, which comes with a reading log and a surprise mini zoo animal reading buddy. Earn prizes for reading! Additionally, every hour you read equals a dollar donated to Heifer International with the help of Eastern Bank. Heifer International donates animals that provide families all over the world with food and livelihood!  So, keep reading for a good cause!

            Don’t forget to visit our website for more information about ongoing events. www.elizabethtaberlibrary.org.

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