On June 17, the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals launched a hybrid public meeting designed to allow both in-person and log-in attendance via Zoom. While accessing the meeting room remotely went smoothly, a disconnect in the voice networking meant no one in the virtual meeting room could hear the proceedings. In an effort to grant deliberation access for the one member not sitting at the Town Hall conference room table, Mary Ann Borgan, Director in Inspectional Services Andy Bobola used his cell phone to communicate with Borgan.
There were two hearings on this night that found the applicants in attendance at Town Hall. The meeting was also videotaped, aired live on community television and made available to the media the following day before 10:00 am.
Coming before the ZBA was Bob Field on behalf of his father, William Field, who sought and received a Special Permit for a family-related apartment in a single-family home located at 100 Mattapoisett Neck Road.
Also coming before the ZBA for the same type of request was William Langlois, 11 Tupola Lane, whose Special Permit was also granted.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals was not scheduled at adjournment.
Mattapoisett Zoning Board of Appeals
By Marilou Newell