To the Editor;
The volunteers at Cushing Cemetery have been working very hard to clean up after the winter and prolonged dry spell and storms. It takes a lot of work to keep picking up branches, trimming trees and bushes, cutting up fallen trees, and carting the debris to the transfer station.
Over the last few weeks we have had some problems with our trashcans and our grave plots. You, the owners of these plots, can help us, the volunteers who have to separate the trash by just doing a few things. Do not fill up the barrels up with your takeout food containers. Do not fill up our barrels with full paint cans. Do not fill up our barrels when you clean out your refrigerator. Do not fill up our barrels with dirt; I’m 72 years old and I can’t lift 300 pounds like I used to. Do not clean your plots and hide the waste under bushes or onto other people’s plots. Do not take other people’s flowers home with you. And, lastly, please, no dogs allowed in the cemetery, and no doggie bags in the trash cans.
Thank you,
Dana Tripp, Superintendent of Cushing Cemetery.
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