Solar Array Approved for Lawrence Way

There was one public hearing scheduled for the first Rochester Planning Board meeting on Tuesday, September 11. Bob Lawrence of 15 Lawrence Way was seeking approval for a modification to a subdivision.

“What Mr. Lawrence would like to do is, in the location where the grass island was supposed to be, he is proposing to put an array of solar panels,” said Planning Board Chairman Arnold Johnson.

There were five conditions placed on the land from a Planning Board decision dating back to the mid-1990s for other proposed work on the site. The array would not be located on the same parcel as Lawrence’s home. The piece of land proposed for the panels, which is less than two acres, is located on a private, unpaved roadway.

“If someone comes in and wants to make a modification of a plan that was previously created, we have to have a discussion about it and figure out if we need to have a modification hearing,” Johnson said.

The previous Planning Board did not approve the construction of a solar panel array. The site of the panels was originally approved to remain a grass circle.

“I don’t want to change anything, I just want to use the grass circle to place the solar array,” said Bob Lawrence.

Planning Board member Gary Florindo said that since the array wasn’t included in the original plans, the Board would need to review whether or not Lawrence needs to have a modification hearing.

“I’m fine with whatever we need to do,” Lawrence said.

“I’m fine with you putting up the solar panels, I just need to make sure we get the paperwork right,” said Johnson.

Town Administrator John Charbonneau suggested that Lawrence apply for approval to have the array be considered to be a minor modification, which would streamline the amount of paperwork and simplify the process for construction of the array. Since the roadway is private and unpaved, it is unlikely major developments would be implemented in the future.

The Planning Board voted in favor of the project, to be considered as a minor modification to the previously approved proposal. The Board also ruled that, should the array come into disrepair or disuse, the panels are to be removed at the landowner’s expense.

In other business, Johnson said that the Rochester Conservation Commission saw conflict with allowing the storage of concrete materials on Cranberry Highway. The Planning Board is waiting for a report from the highway surveyor before issuing a decision.

John Charbonneau noted that TRC Environmental, the company looking to install a 15,000-panel solar array near Little Quittacas Pond, has not provided a solid landscaping plan for the project. He also said that they have not provided a required traffic study in order to determine the vehicular activity of the area before construction begins.

“This has been like pulling teeth with these guys,” Johnson said.

The Planning Board will not approve the solar panel project unless their application is complete.

The next meeting of the Rochester Planning Board will be on Tuesday, September 25 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall.

By Eric Tripoli

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