Two parcels located along the barrier beach at Cove Street adjacent to Pine Island Pond cleared at least one hurdle in the process of being approved for development when the application for an Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation was accepted during the February 8 meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission.
Representing Pam Spooner, trustee for the Martin Family Trust, Bob Field of Field Engineering came before the commission and stated that the two parcels were being evaluated for potential development opportunities. He noted that a sewer connection would also be pursued, and if granted, that would further position the parcels for development.
Field described the coastal-dune line, salt marshes, and an annual high-tide report as part of the submittal documents. “Tonight, we are looking to lock in the resource areas,” he told the commission. Field also pointed out that a Department of Environmental Protection filing did not produce any comments from that agency. Conservation Agent Liz Leidhold added to the discussion, saying she agreed with the delineation as prepared by engineer Bob Gray on behalf of Field. The commissioners concurred and accepted the report as submitted.
A Request for Determination of Applicability received a negative determination when applicant Stephen Vaitses, of 5 Dyer Road and also represented by Field, had his case opened. The RDA was filed so that a 20- by 40-foot garage addition may be built on an existing home site.
Daniel and Kimberlee Nashold’s Notice of Intent filing was represented by David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone to construct a single-family, four-bedroom home planned for Snow Fields Road. Leidhold questioned some clearing that had taken place along a stream in the area. Davignon reported that that work had been done by the Plymouth County Mosquito Control Services; as such, it was not jurisdictional to the commission’s oversight. The filing was continued until February 22.
The Notice of Intent filed by Blue Wave Solar, known as BWC Mill Pond, 61 Long Plain Road, for an access roadway into a property located in Acushnet, was conditioned. Returning to the commission for the fourth time was Rich Ricco of Field Engineering with plan modifications as requested by the commission at previous meetings. Satisfied that the plans now encompassed earlier questions about the changes proposed to an existing dirt roadway, the project was conditioned.
A Notice of Intent filed by Alexander Bauer, 7 Nashawena Road, brought out several abutters as the filing was reopened for review. Represented by Douglas Schneider of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, the application is to reconstruct a single-family home. Schneider presented updated plans that took into consideration earlier comments from abutters, such as modifications to the stormwater system and a reduction in the size of a planned driveway.
Chairman Mike King stated that “It would behoove us to take two weeks, along with the abutters, to review this [an]) maybe build consensus on the project.” He urged abutters to reach out directly to Schneider with their questions and concerns. The filing was continued until February 22.
A partial Certificate of Compliance was issued to MMT Management for two lots located on Split Rock Lane to “facilitate a property sale,” King said.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for February 22 at 6:30 pm.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell