Rochester Senior Center

The Rochester Senior Center would like to let everyone know that on Thursday, October 22 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health designated Rochester as a COVID-19 ‘high risk’ community. This designation is based on a calculation that includes a 14-day average of new COVID-19 cases and the population size. With this new ‘red’ designation, the Senior Center plans to make a few adjustments to ensure the safety of seniors attending activities.

            The Rochester Senior Center will hold one activity at a time to ensure that all COVID-19 protocols can be followed properly. Activities will be limited to the maximum capacity described for ‘red’ communities in Phase 3, Step 1 of the Reopening Massachusetts plan. The plan is posted on the website.

            Please stay home if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms of an infectious illness (like a cold), if you are not feeling well, have cold-like symptoms, have recently traveled outside Massachusetts, or have attended a large gathering (like a wedding, funeral or birthday party). Face coverings must be worn over your mouth and nose while at the Rochester Senior Center. A social distance of at least 6 feet should be maintained when interacting with people who are not members of your household.

            Activities held at the Rochester Senior Center will be held outdoors whenever possible. Please plan ahead and dress accordingly. An outdoor propane heater was purchased to extend our outdoor season.

            On November 7 at noon, a Franks & Beans drive-thru supper will be held for Rochester veterans. This is a free event for veterans and their families. Please call to make a reservation.

            The Greater Boston Food Bank distribution is scheduled for Thursday, November 12 from noon to 2:00 pm. Food items should be picked up curbside at the Council on Aging by the program participant. Please call ahead if you need to make other arrangements or if you need your food items to be dropped off by a COA volunteer. If you would like to sign up for this program, please call the Senior Center.

            The Senior Center Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 18 at 9:00 am. The Friends of the Rochester Senior Center meeting will follow at 10:30 am. These meetings will take place in person and online. For the online link, please call the Senior Center.

            The Rochester Senior Center is an invaluable community resource for many of our local seniors. Every attempt will be made to continue providing this resource safely, with the help of our program participants. By wearing a face covering and practicing social distancing, we are working together to keep our friends and companions safe.

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