Nature journaling is the practice of taking your careful observations of nature and expressing them by drawing and/or writing in your own individual style. It requires that you slow down and clear your mind as well as increase your attention to detail and appreciation of beauty. There’s something about the act of writing it down, or making a sketch, that will help you to remember the scene forever.
Our journaling guide is Tricia Cassady local artist, educator, and naturalist who has done many similar programs for Soule Homestead Education Center in Middleboro among others.
Things to bring: a sketchbook, drawing pencils, and colored pencils. If you wish you may want to bring your own watercolor paints, a brush, and some felt-tipped pens (water-soluble and water-resistant). Also recommended are a campstool or blanket, sunscreen, bug spray, and a hat.
Please note that as getting outside is essential, this workshop is weather dependent and will be rescheduled if conditions are too severe. The program is limited to ten adults, and pre-registration is required.
We will be observing all social distancing practices and managing group size for the safety of all our guests attending this program. To pre-register for this program please contact the Museum Director at Partial funding for this program was provided courtesy of the Marion Cultural Council. Date: October 3, 2020, from 9:30 to 11:30 am, Cost is $20 per participant. Marion location to be provided at registration.