Old Rochester Youth Baseball

Old Rochester Youth Baseball is excited to announce, we have opened registration for 2020 Fall Baseball! Please head to our website, oldrochesteryouthbaseball.org, click on the Registration Tab, and then on the link/arrow for Fall Ball Registration. Deadline to register your player is September 5th, 2020. 

            When registering your child, please consider which division you would like your child to play next year. This will provide the opportunity for the players to become accustomed to the next level up of baseball play in preparation for the 2021 season. If your child will be 12 as of May 1, 2021, they will be in majors, therefore should be registered as such. Also, at least 50 percent of the Majors season will be played at the 50/70 level as a means to prepare for our conversion in 2021.

            The season will run from mid-September (the 12th or 19th) through early November. Games will be played on Saturday’s and Sunday’s only, with doubleheaders for Majors and Minors, and single games for Farm and Tee Ball.

            Registration is open to all residents of the Tri-Town and surrounding communities. 

            To learn more about our league, please visit our Instagram or Facebook pages: Old Rochester Youth Baseball

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