Donn Thomas Stangohr, of Rochester, MA, bright blue-eyed, gregarious, and wildly loved, passed away on August 11, 2020 at the age of 69. He is survived by his best friend (passionate spouse, business partner, and partner in all things) Sandra Lee Stangohr (Sandi), along with a whole troop of family – his son Blake Stangohr and his step/half children Alex Schinas, Jon Lagreze, Keith Lagreze, Kit Lagreze, and Emma Lagreze; his siblings James Stangohr and Chrissy Stangohr; his six nieces and nephews; his nine grandchildren; and an incredible circle of friends. He was preceded in death by his parents James and Helen Bernice Stangohr.
Donn resided with Sandi in Rochester for 28 years, boating in Mattapoisett on their boat Cruzan, a Cape Dory Typoon, and cruising around town in their big yellow Chevy Capri Classic 1973. Donn and Sandi founded Norumbega Associates, a high-end, decorative, hardware business that they own and built from the ground up together since 1991.
Donn, a man of endless talents, was the person to call for every obscure handy-man question or history lesson. His knowledge was boundless and incredible. He was born in Evanston, IL, and went to the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University (SMFA) to study sculpture and went on to express himself in many ways beyond sculpture. He was creative, laughed with his whole body, and made everyone feel welcome.
The family will hold a celebration of Donn’s life in October. In lieu of flowers, donations, or food, please shower your loved ones with hugs, kisses, and “hello, beautiful’s in remembrance of Donn and his daily expressions of care and affection. We raise our glass and share in a big belly laugh for Donn. Bear hugs to all.
Arrangements are with the Saunders-Dwyer Mattapoisett Home for Funerals, 50 County Rd., Route 6, Mattapoisett. For online guestbook, please visit

Donn will be missed. I really enjoyed working with him over the years. I am thinking of you all. It is difficult to lose such an important person in your lives.
Donn, you were the life of every party. Fun loving, jovial, always with a smile and a witty comment. Your presence will be greatly missed. I’m so glad we had a few minutes last October at our high school class 50th reunion to reconnect.
Sandy and Donn’s children, Donn’s siblings, and whole host of friends and high school classmates, please always remember Donn’s vitality, love of life, and just his mere presence. Donn may be departed but he will always be a part of our lives. My deepest condolences to all.
Rest in Peace Donn
Gary Hedberg
Donn, I regret not ever telling you that I recognized you as the big brother I always wanted in my life. You were a kind, loving and compassionate person as well as someone I enjoyed spending time with. My heart is saddened by your unexpected departure. I am glad we broke protocol and hugged that day. I send my love to Sandi and your large brood brood. Much love always.
Donn, What a truly lovely man you were. Although I haven’t seen you in many years, I find myself first smiling at the image of your jovial self arriving at my showroom with yummy chocolates and huge amounts of technical product knowledge, of course mixed with obvious love….and then feeling an enormous sadness that you are no longing here with us. My heart goes out to Sandi and your terrific family. Russ and I remember well being part of your wedding “way back when”. It was a joy to have been included. With love, Robin Brenner
Dear Family & Friends
Dearest Donn
Oh how you will
Be mussed my friend ig 50 years!
You made me feel so very welcome and special at our 50th high school reunion.
Your smile
Your energy
Your love
Fills us as we carry
Through life missing you !
Give my love to Ron & Kulla