Town Planning Vision Discussed in Marion

The Marion Planning Board briefly discussed the Master Plan, or Town Visioning, at their meeting on Monday night, August 20. Chairman Jay Ryder commented about responses to emails that he sent to towns in Massachusetts that either have gone through the process of doing a Master Plan or are in the process of working on a vision for their town.

“I received return emails from two towns in Massachusetts that are similar in size to Marion and was impressed with what I read,” said Ryder. The towns were Tewksbury and New Scotland Hamlet.

“Anything we can do to benefit from towns similar in size who have gone through this process already … and not reinvent the wheel … that’s what we want to tap into,” said Ryder.

In other business, Ryder told the Board that he received an email from Marion Town Counsel Jon Witten regarding the solar bylaw wording, as per the Board’s request. “I’ve sent copies to all board members and ask you to review the wording and come to the next meeting with any questions, suggestions or comments,” said Ryder.

Ryder suggested that the Board work together to come up with something “concrete” that could be brought before town residents at the fall town meeting.

The Board continued the public hearing for a definitive subdivision plan for River Road by Investors Fund Trust c/o Morse Engineering Company, Inc. at the applicant’s request.

The next meeting of the Marion Planning Board will be on Tuesday, September 4 at  5:00 pm (due to the Monday, Labor Day Holiday).

By Joan Hartnett-Barry

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