To support families during school closures, Old Rochester Public Schools district (ORR) is providing children aged 0-21 with free, nutritious breakfast and lunch meals every day of the week as part of the USDA’s emergency COVID-19 response. The Eos Foundation awarded the district a $6,425 grant to support continued distribution of meals to children.
“We want everyone to know that these healthy meals are available to every child and young adults. Parents/caregivers can pick up meals on children’s behalf to help ensure safe social distancing,” said Superintendent Doug White. “We know that home food supplies are running low and it’s important to try to keep people out of the supermarkets. This is a federally-funded program, and the food is nutritious, so please come take your meals and spread the word.”
Children receive two free meals per day (bagged breakfast and bagged lunch). Children (or parents/guardians on behalf of children) can take both meals at once. On Fridays, families can pick up four meals to cover both a breakfast and a lunch on Friday and Saturday. Children do not need to be present for parents/guardians to pick up the meals. Meals are available to all children ages 0-21 and preschool-aged children can also receive meals. All children are welcome regardless of town of residence or school attended, as this is a community-wide meals program. All sites encourage safe social distancing and ask that individuals remain six feet apart.
Anyone who cannot make it out of their house to pick up a meal is encouraged to contact Jill Henesey at 508-758-2772 extension1543 or email:
“We are proud to help support the great work of Jill Henesey, the ORR School Nutrition Director, and her team,” said Andrea Silbert, President of the Eos Foundation. “They are front-lines heroes, ensuring distribution of nutritious meals for children at this unprecedented time.”
ORS sites serve meals Monday through Friday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. ORR offers meals at four sites throughout the district. Locations include:
•ORR High School: at the front entrance
•Center School: at front entrance
•Sippican Elementary School: at the bus loop entrance
•Rochester Memorial: at the front entrance