Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School District (Old Colony) recently experienced a data security incident that is partially affecting its internal operations.
On February 10, Old Colony became aware of a data security incident that rendered certain data on its network inaccessible. While Old Colony continues to operate without issue, access to certain systems is presently limited.
Upon discovering the incident, Old Colony took immediate action to secure its network and commenced an internal investigation. Old Colony has engaged an expert cybersecurity consultant to facilitate the restoration of the affected data, as well as independent, internationally-recognized computer forensics firm to conduct a thorough analysis of what happened. At this time, there is no evidence to indicate that any student or employee information has been accessed or viewed as a result of the incident.
Old Colony takes the security of the information very seriously. This incident has been reported to the Massachusetts State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Old Colony will continue to cooperate with all law enforcement investigations into the incident.
Old Colony is striving to return to fully operational status as soon as possible and is working with the experts referenced above to do so in a safe and secure manner, as well as to further strengthen security to minimize the likelihood of a similar event occurring in the future.