The Buzzards Bay Coalition invites you to join us for a public meeting on Thursday, April 25at 6:00 pm at the Center School Cafeteria, 17 Barstow St., Mattapoisett, to learn about a project to restore wetlands and improve trails at the Coalition’s popular Mattapoisett Bogs property on Acushnet Road.
The Coalition acquired the 220-acre property from Decas Cranberry Company following their agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) to permanently retire the cranberry bogs and to restore natural wetlands on the property. GZA Engineering will help design this ecological restoration project in conjunction with partners at the Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration and USDA-NRCS.
Wetland restoration will be primarily focused on the 57 acres of retired cranberry bogs on Acushnet Road. GZA will assist with reviewing existing data and developing three conceptual alternatives, all of which will incorporate trail linkages that will improve public walking opportunities at the site. Alternative designs will be prepared this spring, and the Coalition plans to move forward into more detailed engineering and permitting this summer.