Mike & Ann’s Special Luncheon is scheduled for Monday, April 29at 12:00 pm. Mike & Ann will prepare a delicious lunch. All are welcome to attend. Please make reservations no later than one day in advance. An anonymous donation of $5.00 will be collected.
Join us for a fun day of shopping at the Wrentham Premium Outlets and lunch at The Cracker Barrel on Tuesday, April 23. We plan to leave Rochester at 8:30 am and will return around 4:00 pm. Give us a call to make your reservation. Don’t forget, per the new policy, a $5.00 donation is needed to save your seat on the van.
The Senator’s Office will be at the Senior Center on Wednesday, April 24from 12:00 pm -2:00 pm to answer your questions and discuss your political concerns. Take this opportunity to make your voice heard. Appointments are not necessary.
There is a Sea Glass Fundraiser on Saturday, April 27at 1:00 pm. The cost is $40.00. All supplies will be provided. Come and make a special gift for yourself or a friend.
Buy a Brick Fundraiser. The Friends of the Rochester Senior Center, Inc. has an on-going fundraiser to raise money for an addition to the Rochester Senior Center. This addition will be the home for the Senior Supportive Day Care Program. The Senior Supportive Day Care Program will provide services that are designed for older adults who require supervised care during the day. Adult Day Care programs enable seniors to socialize and enjoy planned activities in a group setting. Engraved memorial bricks will be used in the walkway and entrance to the addition. Small bricks are $50.00, and large bricks are $100.00. Applications for the bricks are available at the front desk of the Senior Center.
Rides: We provide free transportation for Rochester residents. Please call for a ride with one of our friendly drivers at least 24 hours in advance so we can schedule a driver.
Rides to medical appointments in Boston and Providence: Medical transportation to Boston or Providence is available for $5.00 via a grant program made available by Coastline Services. Call 508-992-5978 at least 2 weeks in advance.
Please contact us at the Senior Center at 508-763-8723 for more information or to make reservations for rides and/or events.