Streets will be cleaned and closets cleared as the Marion Cub Scouts Pack 32 and Marion Boy Scouts Troop 32 join forces with GiftstoGive, the Marion Recreation Department, and Marion Department of Public Works for a spring cleaning! Please join us when we rally at Washburn Park on Saturday, April 27 from 8:00 am – 11:00 am. (Rain date is April 28th at the same time) Participants will be given trash bags, recycling bags, gloves, and be provided with a yellow vest. Assignments will be handed out and participants will clear the trash and other debris left from winter.
In addition to cleaning up our streets, spring clean up includes cleaning out our closets! The GiftstoGive truck will be at Washburn Park from 8:30 am -12:00 pm collecting new and gently used children’s items. (please see their website for details about items they accept
After participants finish the town-wide clean, all community members are invited to celebrate the season by joining the Sippican Land Trust (SLT) back at Washburn Park from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Scouts will be joining the SLT at their Spring Festival and will host a recycling art project sponsored by the Marion Cultural Council, an information booth about scouting, an inflatable archery range for our younger citizens, alongside several other activities for community members of all ages including performances by the Toe Jam Puppet Band and the Sippican School Festival Band along with face painting, crafts, and walks lead by the SLT.
April Vacation Programs at Plumb Library