Some annual elections are exciting, others not so much; but the democratic process at the local level is, in essence, our nation’s purest form of democracy – one person, one vote – and not one to forfeit simply because the only two contested races are for Planning Board and Board of Assessors.
Marion is a town well aware of the vital role of a planning board and the impact that board’s decisions have on a community. Incumbent and current chairman of the board, Will Saltonstall, is the only Planning Board member running for reelection, as Steve Kokkins has decided not to vie for his seat for another term. Four candidates will appear on the ballot for the two three-year terms – Saltonstall, Barry Gaffey, William do Carmo, and Joseph Rocha.
There are two candidates hoping for a seat on the Board of Assessors – Barry Gaffey and Catherine Gibbs. Current board member Brad Eames did not pull papers for another term as an assessor. Finance Committee member Alan Minard did pull papers to run for the board, but did not return them to the Clerk’s Office by the March 26 deadline.
Board of Selectmen member John Waterman is running unopposed for a full three-year seat on the board. Waterman was elected last year for a one-year term to occupy the seat of former Board of Selectmen member Steve Gonsalves, who served two of his three-year term and resigned in February 2018.
For the Board of Health, Edward Hoffer is running unopposed for a three-year term currently held by Jason Reynolds who has decided not to run for a second term.
Current chairman of the Marion School Committee, Christine Marcolini, decided not to run for another term, leaving Nichole Daniel to run unopposed for her first three-year term on the committee.
Old Rochester Regional School Committee incumbent Heather Burke will serve a second term on that school committee, also running unopposed.
Open Space Acquisition Commission incumbent John Rockwell will serve another term running unopposed for one of the two open seats, while appointed incumbent Casey Gunschel will run unopposed for another term on the commission.
The current appointed tree warden, Jon Henry, will relinquish his position to unopposed candidate Russell Gunschel, and incumbent Town Moderator Brad Gordon, also running unopposed, will serve another year at the Town Meeting podium.
Marion’s 2019 Annual Election is Friday, May 17. Polls are located at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center at 465 Mill Street, open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
The League of Women Voters will host a “Meet the Candidates” event at the Marion Music Hall, 164 Front Street, on Thursday, May 2, at 4:45 pm.
By Jean Perry