First Congregational Church of Rochester, 11 Constitution Way in Rochester, 508-763-4314, is pleased to announce its Holy Week Worship Schedule. We invite you to come and worship with us!
April 14at 10:30 am – Palm Sunday. Our choir will present “The Beautiful Christ,” an Easter cantata arranged by Heather Sorenson, and our pastor, Rev. Dr. Ron Cousineau, will encourage each of us to “Expect God Powerfully” in his message. Palms will be distributed after the service, and Coffee Hour will follow in our Fellowship Hall.
April 18at 7:30 pm – Maundy Thursday. This service of Tenebrae (meaning “darkness” or “shadows”) has been practiced by the church since medieval times. It is a tradition used during the last days of Holy Week to impress upon the hearts of believers the awful consequences of sin and the magnitude of the Savior’s sacrifice. This somber service includes Communion, Scripture reading, and the gradual extinguishing of the candles lighting the Sanctuary.
April 19at 7:30 pm – Meet Me at the Cross. This Good Friday service will include special Scripture readings interspersed with inspirational music that will draw our attention to Jesus’ passion on our behalf. The evening will conclude with our participation in the Lord’s Supper in a unique way that you will remember for years to come.
April 21– Resurrection Sunday. Our sunrise service begins at 7:00 am on the Church Green, and it will immediately be followed by Easter breakfast in our Fellowship Hall. Our Easter worship service will be held in the Sanctuary at 9:30 am during which Pastor Ron will bring a first-person presentation of “A Resurrection Story.”
Easter Carnival – There will be an Easter Carnival on April 20from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm at First Congregational Church of Rochester, 11 Constitution Way, Rochester. Games, bouncy house, treats, and toys! Rain or shine.