Experience a Total Lunar Eclipse

On the evening of January 20into the morning of January 21, the shadow of earth will pass in front of the full moon, creating a total lunar eclipse. Come join the Buzzards Bay Coalition at The Bogs (138 Acushnet Rd., Mattapoisett) to watch this incredible celestial event!

Located far from city lights, within the Mattapoisett River Reserve, The Bogs offer a dark, expansive sky perfect for views of the eclipsed moon. This eclipse will reach its peak at 12:12 am on January 21. Stop by any time between 11:30 pm and 12:30 am to view the moon up-close and personal, and learn a bit more about this astronomical event. This event is perfect for those with a school or work holiday on January 21 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Sky viewing will be weather-dependent. Please check the event page/Facebook the morning of the program for cancellations.

Dress warmly; we recommend bringing a chair and blankets if you plan to stay and watch the event. Binoculars and telescopes are welcome, and some extra binoculars will be available for use. Hot chocolate will be provided!

To learn more and register, visit www.savebuzzardsbay.org/events/total-lunar-eclipse-the-bogs-jan-20-2019/ or contact the Buzzards Bay Coalition at 508-999-6363 ext. 219 or bayadventures@savebuzzardsbay.org.

This event is part of Discover Buzzards Bay, an initiative to help people across the Buzzards Bay region find unique and exciting ways to explore the outdoors, get some exercise and connect with nature. Local residents can use Discover Buzzards Bay to get outside and discover woods, wetlands, and waterways from Fall River to Falmouth. To learn more, visit savebuzzardsbay.org/discover.

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