Dear Editor,
The Mattapoisett Woman’s Club would like to acknowledge the many garden owners who worked so tirelessly to contribute to the success of our recently held garden tour. Nine property owners opened up their propertiesto the over four hundred people who purchased tickets for the tour. This year’s tour title was “NATURE’S TREASURES”, which turned out to be a very suitable description of the magnificent gardens on display. Even Mother Nature did her part in providing a perfect day for our seaside town!
We would like to send a huge “thank you” to the garden owners, the garden tour committee, garden captains, Mattapoisett Woman’s Club members, and garden volunteers who manned the individual gardens. Also, thanks to the many people who purchased tickets. To date, this was the most successful tour, and, because of that fact, we will be able to award another scholarship to a deserving graduating senior in 2019.
A special “thank you” goes out to Jackie Coucci of the Council on Aging for making the COA van available for us to transport our patrons to gardens at Antassawomack. The van drivers, Don and Steve, deserve special mention as they gave their time to help with our fundraiser.
On July 16th, the MWC will be under the tent at Shipyard Park sponsoring the “Taste Of The Town”. We would like to invite you to join us at another one of our fundraisers to allow our Club to award more scholarships and to make other charitable contributions.
If you are not already a member of the MWC, we would like to invite you to join our congenial group of women. The goal of our Club is to work for civic, social, educational, and philanthropic endeavors. Our monthly light luncheon meetings are held in the parish hall of the Mattapoisett Congregational Church. Our first meeting for the 2018-2019 year will be held on September 20 at 11:00 am.
If you are interested in joining us, please call Christine Voss at 508-758-3348 or check out our website at
In sincere appreciation,
Roxanne B. Bungert, President
Mattapoisett Woman’s Club
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