Dear Citizens of Marion:
It is time to give the town’s dedicated staff a better place to work. Seven long years ago a building study revealed how much work the Town House needed and what it would cost to simply repair it. The study triggered the appointment of a building committee that soon determined piecemeal repairs could never turn the building into a good Town Hall. The committee recognized that a full renovation of the building would be too expensive and looked into many alternative plans that would cost less. The present plan gradually evolved as the committee responded to comments from the citizens of Marion. The new proposal calls for reducing the size of the present building by demolishing the rear annex and renovating only the space needed for town offices. The extent of the renovated area was reduced to half the size of the present structure. The interior will be gutted to bare studs, brought up to code, and totally refurbished. The office layout will became more open and efficient and will require less than half the heating fuel of the present building. The building’s exterior will have new doors and windows while classic details of the historic structure are preserved. Yes, the work is expensive, but after years of neglect, this project respects Elizabeth Tabor’s incredible generosity to the Town and finally gives our municipal employees the fresh new office space they deserve. Please support this worthy project at Town Meeting on May 14.
Bill Saltonstall, Marion
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