Ellen Christian Keogh, 73, of Marion passed away on Tuesday, March 6 of a cardiac event in Coral Bay, St. John, USVI.
Ellen was born in Falmouth, MA in 1945. She married her husband, Joseph Patrick Keogh, in 1974 and moved to Marion, MA in 1979 where they raised two boys, Sean and Timothy.
Ellen graduated from Mass General School of Nursing and taught nursing at Children’s Hospital in Boston. She went on to get her Masters Degree in Nursing at University of Colorado in Denver. She joined UMass Dartmouth’s College of Nursing faculty in 1975, teaching a course on nursing care of children and provided clinical supervision in pediatrics at St. Luke’s. She served as department chair before being appointed director of the University’s Academic Advising Center. She was awarded the Yvonne Sandstone Award for her commitment to the success and retention of first year students.
In her retirement, Ellen continued to support the community, volunteering at the SMILE program, the Memory Cafe, Marion Visiting Nurses Association and Marion’s Council on Aging. She also served as unofficial health care proxy for her family and many friends.
In her free time, Ellen also kept busy, traveling and sailing with her husband and playing tennis with friends. She had recently taken up pickleball – a game she boldly declared to be “the sport of the future.” She enjoyed gardening both at home and in her children’s yards. In her quieter moments, Ellen loved watching the hummingbirds in her garden, reading her book club books, and texting with her granddaughter.
Ellen is survived by her husband, Joseph; her children, Sean and Tim; her grandchildren, Cecelia, Martin, and Olive; her brother, John Christian; her beloved cousins; and the countless friends that she considered family.
Services will be held at St. Gabriel’s Church in Marion, MA at 2:00 pm on Friday, March 16th. Light refreshments will be served in the parish hall following. In lieu of flowers, it was Ellen’s wish that donations be sent to the Woods Hole Library.
Heartfelt Condolences Keogh family
Our hearts are heavy and sad at the passing of our dear friend. Ellen lived life to the fullest and was there for us all. We will always remember our trip to St. John and all the laughs we had. Eight forever friends! Joe, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time. Love, Paula and John
I am so sad to hear this heart-breaking news. My thoughts and deep affection are with you Joe
I am certain that the many happy memories of your wonderful years together will help ease the sorrow and pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers…
Joe, I can not express the deep sadness if feel for your loss. You will be in my prayers.
All of our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Joe. We are sincerely sorry for your loss. We will miss her.
Love, John and Trish
Words are nor enough to convey my sadness. I will miss you Aunt Ellen.
I am so sorry for this tremendous loss for your whole family. You are in my heart.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. May your cherished memories and family support sustain you in the coming years.
So sad, my condolences go out to the family.
I had the pleasure of working with Ellen at UMass Dartmouth’s Academic Advising Center. My heart is heavy with the news of her passing. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.
I am deeply sad to learn of Professor Christians passing. She was my pediatric nursing professor when I was a student at UMASS ( SMU) in the early 80,s. She was an awesome teacher and I have never forgotten the lessons she taught me. My heart aches for her family and for the people who’s lives she touched . She left a legacy of caring for many, gone now from this earthly plain but never will be forgotten.
Thoughts and prayers going your way . We will miss Ellen. There will alsways be MANY wonderful memories. We will talk later
Ted Newhook
I was very saddened to hear the news, The Keogh family are in my prayers.
I am so sorry Joe. A beautiful loving and thoughtful person lost. I wish you and your family peace in all the loving memories I know you have.
I was so saddened when I heard this news. My prayers are with you and your entire family.
I was so sad to hear this news. Praying that you will be filled with many happy memories.
Anne Rapp