To the Editor:
For months now, there have been announcements from Mattapoisett Town Hall seeking new volunteer committee and board members to fill vacancies. This week, there was a call for Cultural Council Committee members. Earlier, it was Conservation Committee. This letter is to encourage all community members to “Choose a Cause and Make a Difference.” (Thank you, Jillian Zucco for that great phrase!)
There are many, many people in Mattapoisett who love their community. Of these, many generously give of their time. There are many others who consider volunteering, but circumstances prevent or they find it hard to commit. There are others who step forward, only to ultimately drop back. Please, if you are not a volunteer, your community needs you … Town Boards and Committees, Council on Aging, Mattapoisett Housing Authority, FISH, Lions Club, Schools, Churches, Bike Path, Mattapoisett Land Trust, Garden Club, Women’s Club, Healthy Tri-Town Coalition, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and all the others. Meeting people from outside your usual routine and making a difference in your community is a wonderfully refreshing experience.
Again, “Choose Your Cause, Make A Difference!”
Thank you,
Bonne DeSousa, Friends of the Bike Path
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