To the Editor;
The next public outreach forum on Marion’s new Master Plan will be held on Saturday, October 14, at 9:00 am in the Sippican School multi-purpose room. Marionites will have an opportunity to learn and ask questions about this vision for our town.
Three years in the making, the Master Plan is the product of five public workshops, hundreds of comments by advisory groups and residents, prior years’ Master Plans, as well as the expertise of our consultants at SRPEDD (Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District).
The final-draft version of the Master Plan can be viewed and downloaded from, and from the Marion Town website homepage Printed copies are available at the Town Clerk’s office, the Police Station, and the Elizabeth Taber Library. Townspeople will see that this document’s colorful, concise, easy-to-read format presents our community’s vision of our town for the next decade and beyond.
Our next step as a town is to approve the Master Plan, then begin implementing the most urgent and feasible ideas with further community input, analysis, and creativity. The Planning Board asks that you familiarize yourself with your new Master Plan before coming to Town Meeting on October 23rd so you can cast an informed vote.
Taxpayer dollars and much hard work by a great number of your fellow citizens have gone into producing this important state-mandated document. Our Master Plan is a key tool to guide Marion into the future — a future that affects and depends on us all.
Questions? Contact Marion’s new Town Planner Gil Hilario at
Jennifer Francis, Marion Planning Board
Wendy Cullum, Master Plan Advisor
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