“How ‘Bout Those Red Sox?”

Judging by the headline, the Marion Conservation Commission on July 26 clearly sped through each of its schedules public hearings, leaving gaps to take care of other business, shuffle through papers in silence, and conduct a bit of small talk.

            First, the commission rendered a Negative Determination (no Notice of Intent Filing required) for the demolition of an old garage and new construction of a larger 30-foot by 22-foot garage for the Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Anne and Richard Lucas of 6 Allen Street.

Next, the commission approved the RDA for Elizabeth Kearns of 483 Point Road to extend her yard another 25 feet closer to the wetlands, giving it a Negative Determination. In a previous filing for a Notice of Intent, Kearns had only requested her yard for a new house construction to approach the wetlands by 35 feet. Now she asked to extend the yard another 25 feet towards the 15-foot vegetation no-touch zone. Activity will include some clearing, grading, topsoil, and lawn procurement. The commission told Kearns some sort of ‘permanent-ish’ barrier should be installed, such as boulders that the commission typically prefers, but Kearns will install a fence of sorts, just as a visual reminder to future property owners that no further encroachment is allowed unless they file with the commission first.

“I have no issues with what’s being proposed,” said commission member Shaun Walsh.

Before adjournment, the commission approved Frederick Trezise’s RDA to remove and trim trees that are in contact with house, remove phragmites, and install a pre-constructed shed onto a prebuilt 18-foot by 20-foot raised gravel and wood “bed.” Walsh said he was comfortable with the chosen licensed and qualified pesticide application professional to remove the phragmites, and he commented that he found no further concerns. The application for the address 22 River View Lane received a Negative Determination.

The next meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission is scheduled for August 9 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Music Hall at 164 Front Street.

Marion Conservation Commission

By Jean Perry


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