Miss Massachusetts Scholarship Program

The Miss Massachusetts Scholarship Program will be hosting a Miss America Send-off party for Mattapoisett resident, Jillian Zucco, on Friday, August 11 from 6:30 – 11:30 pm at the Century House in Acushnet.

Zucco, who was crowned Miss Massachusetts on July 1, will be heading to Atlantic City the last week of August to prepare for the four-day competition that will culminate in the live national telecast of Miss America on September 10 on ABC.

The send-off party will feature hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, live entertainment, silent and Chinese auction, and dancing to Southcoast’s premier cover band, Johnny’s Basement.

Admission will be $25, paid in advance. RSVP to dancgym@aol.com or kzucco@comcast.net. Pay online at missmass.org. Proceeds will benefit the Miss America Program and the Children’s Miracle Network.

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