The Rochester Planning Board spent some time Tuesday, May 22, at their regular meeting discussing specifics regarding the new solar panel bylaw they are crafting. At the Annual Town Meeting Monday night, the town of Rochester voted unanimously to approve an agreement between the town and Consolidated Edison Solutions, Inc. – on behalf of the City of New Bedford – to allow a large solar panel array be built on town land. The energy generated would provide for the electricity needs for the City of New Bedford Waterworks. This was new territory for the Planning Board.
“We haven’t done an actual zoning like this before,” said Planning Board Chairman Arnold Johnson.
The Planning Board touched upon several details to include in the bylaw, including devising a plan to require solar panel operators to maintain the property, and requiring a bond be put in place to guarantee the operators dismantle the array should it become non-operational at any point in time. Planning Board member Susan Teal said that they should also consider specific and separate requirements, when necessary, for both residential and commercial purposes. They are also considering language to denote regulations and expectations for land-based and structure-based solar panel arrays.
In other business, the Planning Board discussed changes to the town’s home business bylaw. They are considering updating setback laws regarding the location of accessory buildings that are related to a home-based business. There is no public hearing yet scheduled on this item.
Chairman Arnold Johnson also mentioned that on Monday, June 4, there will be a joint meeting of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen in order to appoint someone to fill a vacancy on the Planning Board.
The next meeting of the Rochester Planning Board will be on Tuesday, June 12.
By Eric Tripoli