Opportunity a Core Value at ORR

Greetings! Over the last two years, the Old Rochester Regional High School has worked hard to establish core values. Our core values define the qualities that are foundational to what we do and strive for as a school community.

One word continued to surface as we examined who we are and what we do: opportunity.

The best part of working at a high school is seeing ninth graders enter as 14-year-old freshmen and watching them develop into mature, 18-year-old seniors. Students discover who they are, who they want to be, and where they want to go through the opportunities afforded to them at a comprehensive high school.

I am proud to be the principal of a high school that offers so many diverse opportunities to all students. I’m reminded of these opportunities this month as we begin scheduling students for courses for next year.

As a school recognized by the Advanced Placement Honor Roll, our rigorous, college-level classes are well documented. What can be sometimes overlooked are the various electives that students have access to at ORRHS.

When students pick electives, they have choices of classes titled: Epidemiology, Fitness for Life, Genealogy, Local History, Media Literacy, Music Composition and Theory, Public and Environmental Art, Sports Media, and Student Technology Integration and Innovation to name just a few.

Do you know that 60% of our students will have careers that do not yet exist? Students can take advantage of the opportunity to take a class titled Creativity, Inspiration, and Innovation to explore those careers. As we examine our core values, it is clear that opportunity awaits all our students.

By ORR Principal Michael Devoll


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