The Marion Zoning Board of Appeals tabled a hearing regarding a property located on Hartley Avenue after several abutting neighbors showed up to express their concerns about a potential project. The hearing was held at the board’s regular meeting on the evening of Thursday, May 17 in the Marion Town House.
Henry DeJesus and his wife Judy are looking to purchase the property on Hartley Avenue, where a small cottage currently exists. The proposed project brought to the Board of Appeals would raze the current cottage and construct a new one that is both larger and taller in size.
The new cottage would be two stories and would have four bedrooms as well as a large covered porch. The square footage of the current cottage is 926 square feet. The proposed plans for the new project would increase the square footage to 2,760 square feet. The height of the new cottage would be 31 feet in order to suit FEMA regulations pertaining to the flood plain maps.
“We feel we are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood,” said Project Engineer Dave Davignon.
The property DeJesus is looking to purchase is currently abutted by three other properties; all of whom were concerned with the construction plans. Attorney Daniel Perry represented the concerned families.
According to Perry, the new property would create a lot of congestion and produce inadequate lighting for abutters due to the size of the new cottage and where it is located on the property. The new cottage would be two-and-a-half times the size of the old one and would be situated just 11 feet from the neighboring property of the Bibeau family.
“It’s going to create a canyon effect,” said Perry.
Favoring a compromise between the two parties in order to avoid sending the hearing to court, ZBA board member Bob Wedge asked if there was any way the property could be moved six to seven feet eastward on the property to create more room.
DeJesus and his planners will redraft plans and present them at another public hearing on Thursday, June 14 at 7:30 pm.
The Zoning Board of Appeals also continued a hearing for Frederic Rosiak and his property located at 294 Front St. Rosiak is looking to replace the front porch and car port on his property. He says that the current porch and garage do not match the historical feel of the house.
“The existing deck is a style fitting in the 1970’s or 1980’s,” he said.
The Board was supportive of Rosiak’s initial plans, but requested to see scaled drawings. Rosiak will draft the drawings and present them during another hearing on Thursday, May 31.
The Marion Zoning Board of Appeals will meet again on Thursday, May 31 at 7:30 pm in Marion Town House
By Katy Fitzpatrick