The Machacam Club will hold the January meeting on January 4 at the Legion Hall at 3 Depot Street. Social time is 5:30 pm; dinner is at 6:00 pm.
The meal will be ham & beans with pie for dessert. Our speaker for the evening will be courtesy of Bob Martin. Bob Field, our own local Oyster Farmer, who after starting with Little Necks has devoted the last 10 years developing the Oyster Farm, which has grown by leaps and bounds and is now a successful regional wholesale business.
Bob will present what promises to be a very interesting slide presentation on his farm’s operation. Rumor has it that he will also bring samples of his product for your enjoyment during the social hour. This is definitely a don’t-miss event.
Callers and members are asked to bear in mind the importance of call list accuracy. Caller lists should be done and reported no later than 9:00 pm on Monday, January 2 by email to GPFNR@AOL.COM or by phone to Mike at 508-758-9311. Members with requests can contact Mike by phone at 508-758-9311 no later than 9:00 am on Tuesday, January 3.
Is the event open to non-members?