Small Turnout for Town Meeting

The Annual Mattapoisett Town Meeting only drew 125 residents to its audience at the Old Rochester Regional High School Auditorium on the evening of Monday, May 14. Few items on the 40-article warrant received opposition, allowing the meeting to be concluded in one night as opposed to the three that were originally allotted on the calendar.

Article 36, submitted by various petitioners, received the largest amount of discussion at the meeting. The article called for $140,000 of available revenue to pave Pinehurst Avenue, Kerwin Avenue, Cedar Point and Oaklawn Street.

According to petitioners, the streets are in poor condition, and with the majority of the year-round residents in the neighborhood being elderly; they are concerned with their safety.

The obvious concern with the article was funding, and because of the size of the amount asked, a special town meeting would be needed in order to rework figures in the budget.

“It’s not a threat, it’s a reality,” said Selectman Paul Silva. “We do not have that kind of money in the budget.”

In addition to lack of funding, the town also has a lack of details that would help decide whether or not the project would be feasible.

“We have a lot more questions at this point than we have answers,” said Highway Surveyor Barry Denham.  “We don’t have a clue about a drainage system.”

Based on the various responses, the town voted unanimously 110-0 to indefinitely postpone the article from the warrant.

The article that faced one of the largest amounts of opposition with a vote of 118-7 was article 25.  The passing of the article allows the Mattapoisett River Valley Water Supply Protection Committee to modify the fee it currently charges to the town by raising it $.01 for every 100 gallons used per household.  This figure would, on average, add $6 to a household’s annual water bill.

Another article that raised a lot of comments was article 9, where the town would vote to appropriate the sum of $12,000 from Tax Levy to hire an outside third party to review the compensation of all town and local school positions in comparison to like communities so it can be published on the town’s website.

Despite several comments saying spending that amount of money was unnecessary, the selectmen assured hiring the service would help to keep quality employees in Mattapoisett because they would be able to compare salaries with other towns that might otherwise attract the quality employees away from Mattapoisett with higher salary offers. The article passed 116-9.

A brief recess from the regular Town Meeting was taken in order to enter into a Special Town Meeting.  On the special meeting’s agenda was a proposal to transfer a sum of $21,000 from the Snow / Ice Removal Budget and put it towards Article 14 on the regular meeting warrant with the hopes of upgrading snow emergency equipment.  The article passed unanimously 125-0.

Article 14 also passed unanimously.  The article asked for the sum of $211,300 from the Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund and $5,000 from the Ambulance Receipts, in addition to the $21,000 approved during the special town meeting.

The funding would be put towards the following:

  • Self-contained Breathing Apparatus Tanks – $13,000
  • Dump / Sander / Plow Truck – $60,000
  • Ambulance Automatic CPR Devise (2) – $18,000
  • New Tax Assessment Maps – $35,000
  • Highway Storage Building – $40,000
  • Town Hall and Library Office Equipment – $18,400
  • Police Cruiser – $31,900

Homeowners wondering about the fate of their Flood Insurance for next year can rest easy now that the new Zoning Bylaws for the new Floodplain District as mandated by FEMA were passed unanimously in article 39.  Had the article not passed, flood insurance for homeowners would not have been valid for the next year.

Here is a look at the other articles that passed unanimously at the meeting:

  • Article 1: Elected Officers’ Compensation. Passed 122-3
  • Article 2: General Operating Budget of $21,461,808. Passed 125-0.
  • Article 3: Appropriate for OPEB Liabilities. A sum of $102,928 will be appropriated to meet the town’s Government Accounting Standards  Board. Passed 124-1.
  • Article 4: Departmental Revolving Fund Authorization.  Passed 125-0.
  • Article 5: Annual Post Closure Compliance Testing. A sum of $10,000 form Tax Levy for the purpose of filing and testing associated with the Annual Post Closure Agreement Annual Reporting Requirements. Passed 125-0.
  • Article 6: Authorization to Enter Municipal Equipment Leasing for periods no longer than three years.  Passed 125-0.
  • Article 7: Eel Pond Grant Expenditure Authorization. The town is anticipating a $30,000 grant for a project that would clean up Eel Pond. Passed 124-1.
  • Article 8: Sick Leave Liability Reduction Funding to appropriate the sum of $20,000 from the  Tax Levy to fund a program to reduce the town’s accrued sick leave benefit liability.  Passed 125-0.
  • Article 11: Funding GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) 45 Actuarial Audit to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,200 from the Tax Levy for the purpose of conducting the federally mandated GASB 45 Actuarial Valuation Audit. Passed. 125-0.
  • Article 12: Appropriation to Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $144,837 from Free Cash to the Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund. Passed 125-0.
  • Article 13: Capital Improvement Plan. To see if the Town will vote to approve the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan to be presented by the Capital Planning Committee. Report was received by a vote of 125-0.
  • Article 15: Cyclical Annual Property Revaluation. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $35,000 from the Town’s Tax Levy for the purpose of funding the Department of Revenue mandated tri-annual cyclical evaluation of property in Mattapoisett. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 16: Establishment of Departmental Reserve for Sewer Expenses. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Sewer Department Enterprise Funds Retained Earnings to the FY13 Sewer Department Annual Budget, as a departmental reserve for extraordinary and/or unforeseen expenses. Carried 125-0
  • Article 17: Establishment of Departmental Reserve for Water Expenses. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Sewer Department Enterprise Funds Retained Earnings to the FY13 Sewer Department Annual Budget, as a departmental reserve for extraordinary and/or unforeseen expenses. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 18: Fairhaven Waste Water Treatment Plant and Appurtenances Capital Improvements. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $126,000 from Sewer Retained Earnings for the purpose of paying for Mattapoisett’s share of capital improvements at the Fairhaven Waste Water Treatment Plant. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 19: Water and Sewer Rate Study. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $20,000, with $10,000 from Water Retained Earnings and $10,000 from Sewer Retained Earnings, for the purpose of engaging services to perform an analysis and develop a set of findings in regards to appropriate cost setting of both water and sewer rates. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 20: Restoration of the Town’s #2 Drinking Water Well Phase I. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $55,000 from Water Retained Earnings for the purpose of funding the engineering, installation of necessary test wells, and water analysis necessary for the evaluation of Well #2, located in the area of 121 Acushnet Road, and its associated well field for the purpose of restoration. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 21: Purchase of a Sewer Department Auxiliary Generator. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $36,000 from Sewer Retained Earnings for the purpose of purchasing a portable auxiliary generator power system. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 22: Water Management Act Permit Renewal Application. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $15,000 from Water Retained Earnings for the purpose of preparing, engineering, legal expenses, and submitting the Town’s Water Permit Renewal. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 23: Sewer Grinder Pump Maintenance Account. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $30,000 from Sewer Retained Earnings for the purpose of providing for the cost of repairing, refurbishing, maintenance, and replacement of the town’s sewer grinder pumps. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 24:  Water Service and Appurtenance Replacement and Upgrade of Marion Road. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $342,500, by transfer of $30,000 from Article 5 Capital Plan- Design Water Storage Facility of the 2007 ATM, and $312, 500 from Article 5 Capital Plan- Water Storage Facility of the 2008 ATM, for the purpose of designing and installing new water services, mains, and fire hydrants with the appurtenances in a portion of Marion Road between Prospect Road and Aucoit Road. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 26: Old Asbestos Pipe Disposal. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $20,000 from Water Retained Earnings for the purpose of hiring a licensed Contractor for the proper disposal of old asbestos pipes and associate fittings stored at the old Number 1 Pumping Station. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 27: cceptance of State Statute. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 71E for the purpose of creating a Continuing Education/Professional Development Account under the control of the School Committee. Carried 121-4.
  • Article 28: Engineering For Road Layout Acushnet Road. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $10,000 from the Tax Levy for the purpose of surveying and developing a road layout plan for Acushnet Road. Carried 124-1.
  • Article 29: Allocations of Revenues Community Preservation Act. Appropriate FY13 Estimated Annual Revenues: Administrative expenses: $1,000; Debt Service Expense: $24,714; Transfer from FY13 Estimated annual Revenues for the Following Reserve; Accounts: Housing: $16,572.50; Historical Preservation: $16,572.50; Open Space: $16,572.50; Budgeted Reserve: $90,295; Carried 125-0.
  • Article 30: Funding Work on Center School Clock. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $51,500 from Community Preservation Undesignated Fund Balance for historical preservation purposes, specifically the repair and rehabilitation of the Center School Clock. Carried 123-2.
  • Article 31: Funding Repairs to Cushing Cemetery Fence. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $23,471 from Community Preservation Funds, Historic Reserves, for historic preservation purposes, specifically the repair and rehabilitation of the fence surrounding Cushing Cemetery. Carried 122-3
  • Article 32: Funding Planning for Senior Citizen Housing. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $25,000 from Community Preservation Funds, Housing Reserve, for the purpose of developing a comprehensive plan for the creation of affordable senior citizen housing in Mattapoisett. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 33: Funding Work Relative to Bike Path. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $37,000 from Community Preservation Undesignated Fund Balance for the purpose of engineering, design, permitting, and task associated with the Mattapoisett Bike Path. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 34: Sale of Land Request Brandt Island Road. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen in conformity with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30B, known as the Procurement Act to sell Lot 5 of Map 14 as shown on the Mattapoisett Assessor’s Maps. Carried 124-1.
  • Article 35: Discontinuance of a Paper Street-Tremont Street. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to discontinue the layout of a Paper Street known as Tremont Street on the north size of Fairhaven Road, said layout was never constructed or accepted as a public way, and further to authorize the Selectmen to enter into the necessary documents to effectuate said discontinuance. Carried 125-0.
  • Article 37: Acceptance of Brookside Drive. To see if the Town will vote to accept the layout of Brookside Drive, all as described on a Plan drawn for Manuel Luiz dated March 1972, on file at the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds recorded in book 3783, Page 321, on June 5, 1972, and that the Town would accept the land within the layout of Brookside Drive as a gift.  Carried 71-0.
  • Article 38: Old Colony Regional Vocational High Technical High School District- Proposed Amendment to Section XIII of the Regional Agreement. To see if the Town will vote to replace Section XIII of the Regional Agreement of the Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High Scholl District with the following as recommended by the Old Colony Regional Technical High School District Committee. Carried 71-0.
  • Article 40: Mattapoisett Personnel Bylaws. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Mattapoisett Personnel Bylaws. Carried 70-0.

By Katy Fitzpatrick 

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