Eel Pond Hearing Continued

The Conservation Commission had their meeting on Wednesday night, rather than Tuesday, due to scheduling rearrangements because of the upcoming Annual Town Meeting.  They approved requests for amended orders for the Gauvins, to change the house footprint, adjust grading and the septic system.

They also approved a request for an amended order for property at 26 Ocean Drive; the Williams family also wants to change the footprint of the structure, adjust the driveway, and add landscaping.  Dave Davignon of Schneider and  Associates also represented the DeRosa family, for a request for amended orders for property on Goodspeed Island.

“The proposed home will actually be narrower than the existing structure, and the grading and septic system will remain largely the same,” Davignon said.

The Commission also spoke with Sue Nelson from CLE Engineering, on behalf of the Town of Mattapoisett, regarding a Notice of Intent for dredging and maintenance of Eel Pond.

“This is a proposal to maintain the entrance of the East Channel, in order to open it up to improve the flushing characteristics in the pond as well as the two smaller salt ponds to the east,” she said.

The hearing was continued to the next meeting, however, as discussion of the possible negative effects of the removal of large amounts of sand, which would help improve drainage, but could exacerbate beach erosion problems.  There were also questions as to where to put the sand that may be removed as part of the project.

The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission will be on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

By Eric Tripoli

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