The Sippican Historical Society will present a lecture, “Remembering the Ladies: Boston Women in Public Art,” by Mary Howland Smoyer on Thursday, May 26 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Music Hall. Mary Howland Smoyer, a lifelong Marion summer resident and a retired Boston Public School teacher, has been active in the Boston Women’s Heritage Trail ( for over 25 years. The Trail was founded to recover, document and disseminate Boston women’s history. Mary will present the six women honored with statues in Boston and highlight some of the public art made by women. Women included in her talk are Abigail Adams, Lucy Stone, Phillis Wheatley, Harriet Tubman, Anne Hutchinson and Mary Dyer.
The lecture will be illustrated with PowerPoint slides followed by a question and answer session. The lecture is free and open to the public.