On the evening of May 6 at the ORRHS auditorium, a full house came to bear witness to how delightfully special 29 females could really be in the first ever Miss Inspirational program. The event gave children and young women ranging in age from 5 to 40 a chance to demonstrate their abilities versus their disabilities.
Jillian Zucco, the reigning Miss South Coast Massachusetts, organized the event as part of her commitment to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network, which actively supports improved health care for children. Boston Children’s Hospital is one of hospitals that benefits from CMN fundraising.
Eileen Costa, the local “Miss” pageant facilitator explained, “In lieu of a registration fee, pageant participants need to raise $100 for the CMN.” With Zucco’s focus on volunteerism, organizing the Miss Inspirational program raised the necessary funds required for her next step on the pageant stage while providing a platform for others to shine. Zucco is looking forward to competing in the Miss Massachusetts pageant.
To assist with all moving parts an event of this size and scope mandates, Zucco enlisted the aid of high school students, personal care attendants, ORRHS staff, mothers, fathers, and even her boyfriend. The result was simply amazing.
Zucco also got assistance from the ORR School Committee. They waived the $600 fee for using the school after she explained the reason why she needed the space.
The participants were grouped by age categories, with each giving an introduction, demonstrating a talent, and finally dressing up in evening attire. Some of the ladies received assistance from Gifts to Give who provided dresses.
One of the most touching moments of the evening came when a young girl – through use of a voice simulated electronic device that makes verbalization possible – told the crowd, “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Tri-Town student Olivia Guillotte, 14, of Rochester, received Teen Miss Inspirational and The People’s Choice recognition.
Tim Guillotte said, “Olivia thrives on attention.” To that end, her parents have given Olivia opportunities to express herself and work with others such as being a member of Show Stoppers. He also said that Zucco, Guillotte’s cousin, can be seen on YouTube performing with Olivia. “Jillian has spent a tremendous amount of time with Olivia,” he said.
Also participating from the Tri-Town area was Grace Costa-Medeiros, 19, of Marion, whose talent for sewing was presented earlier in the evening. Grace’s mother said of her daughter’s experience in the ORR school system, “They made things happen for Grace, including her being here tonight.”
Brenda Legendre, 8, Westport, received Little Miss Inspirational, and Amanda Thomas, 27, Bridgewater, was crowned Miss Inspirational for the 20 and over age group. All participants received a tiara.
The participants came from throughout eastern Massachusetts. Isabella Padilla’s mother said they traveled from Cambridge. Padilla said, “There aren’t many opportunities for girls like these to experience something like this – this is wonderful.”
There is one word that sums up the Miss Inspirational event and that word is ‘wow.’ As Amanda Thomas stated before the curtain opened, “I’m going to wow you.” The wow factor is indeed what she and the other ladies brought to center stage.
Zucco said in a post-event email that although a full tally had not been finalized, over $5,000 was raised for Boston Children’s Hospital, a place she said, “many of these girls are familiar with.”
By Marilou Newell