The two scheduled hearings for the Rochester Conservation Commission’s October 20 meeting had to be continued.
The first application coming before the commissioners was filed by Joel and Caitlin Sullivan for property located on High Street for the construction of a four-bedroom residence.
Represented by Rick Charon of Charon Associates, the commissioners heard that the Board of Health had approved the septic plan and that wetlands and other jurisdictional areas had been identified.
But a critical piece – clearance from the National Heritage and Endangered Species Program regarding wildlife habitat – was missing. Charon said an error in addressing documents to the National Heritage office had delayed a response, one that stalls the application until their critical determination is received.
The commissioners were able to approve erosion controls and asked the applicant to return on November 17. They also informed the Sullivans that in the future, land clearing activities needed to be requested and approved by the Conservation Commission before commencing.
Also continued was the application for Melink Corporation of Milford, Ohio, for an abbreviated notice of resource area delineation for property located on the westerly side of Snipatuit Pond.
Conservation Agent Laurell Farinon said she had walked about two-thirds of the 4,000-feet of land requiring wetlands delineations. However, since abutters had not been properly notified, the hearing had to be continued until November 17.
The next meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission is scheduled for November 3 at 7:00 pm in the Rochester Town Hall meeting room, at which time no voting will take place due to Election Day restrictions.
The November 17 meeting of the Rochester Conservation Commission will be a full meeting scheduled for 7:00 pm in the town hall meeting room.
By Marilou Newell