Florence Eastman Post 280

The monthly meeting of the Florence Eastman Post 280 will be held at the Post Hall at 7:00 pm on September 16. At this meeting, a maximum turnout is desired as we will not only review our very successful July Clam Boil but also review our preparations for the Veterans’ Day ceremonies at Hammondtown School. We will also address a possible change to the Memorial Day Parade schedule. The October meeting will have to be cancelled due to scheduling conflicts, so this meeting is of great importance as we develop our plans for the coming year.

Bring your ideas for these endeavors as we cannot function without our members’ support and, obviously, the support of the great folks in our area who always patronize our efforts. Please mention this meeting to members you may know as everyone should be involved with the subject matter of the Hall. The Hall is always available for rental. Just contact one of our members or call Mike at 508-758-9311.

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