“Too Late” For 2012 Marion Fireworks

It is decided: there will be no fireworks display in Marion this summer. At the Marion Selectmen’s April 17 meeting, the board voted 2-1 against fireworks this year mainly because no committee work or fundraising has yet taken place to make it happen. Selectmen Jon Henry and Stephen Cushing voted against the 2012 fireworks, and Selectman Roger Blanchette wanted to keep options open in case donors step forward.

“It’s too late. It’s just not realistic,” Henry said. Even if a fundraising campaign came together now, he said it wouldn’t be enough time for logistical planning. “I think it is too risky.”

“We’re probably $50,000 from where we need to be,” added Cushing – noting that contractors often need this money in advance.

Looking to the future, the Board of Selectmen voted to put the fireworks entirely under the Marion Recreation Department’s purview in 2013 and beyond. Blanchette made the suggestion, remarking that other towns rely on their recreation committees to organize the fireworks.

Present at the meeting, Recreation Director Jodi Dickerson accepted the Selectmen’s decision although expressed some concern about the task – especially the fundraising component.

“I kind of agree with you. I present over 32 programs year round and I average 32 hours a week. I don’t think I’ll have the time,” he said, asserting his belief that “this is year round fundraising.”

Selectman Henry acknowledged Dickerson’s hard work and commitment to his job, and the Selectmen promised to work with him to devise a fireworks strategy for 2013.

In other business, Town Administrator Paul Dawson spoke with the Selectmen about using small signs at one or two locations to “gently remind” residents to pay their tax bill.  He said a town employee originally suggested a banner, but Dawson said using small signs “is a more subtle way of doing it.

The board was favorable towards Dawson’s endeavor.  Blanchette suggested mailing tax bills out four times per year instead of twice per year, but Dawson said that would be significantly costly.

In other action items, the board reviewed and signed bond anticipation notices for two bonds: $50,000 to replace a failed septic system as approved in April 2000 and $260,000 for a sewer extension bond approved in April 2002.

Information on the town meeting warrant will be sent out to residents within the next two weeks, Dawson also announced at the meeting. The Town Meeting is scheduled for May 21 at 6:45 pm.

In addition:

• The board formally renewed Town Administrator Paul Dawson’s contract

• The board indicated a need to further review a bylaw prohibiting alcohol on Silvershell beach, especially as it affects an annual summer fundraiser hosted by the Sippican Lands Trust

• The board approved putting up for bid surplus property – a 15-foot fiberglass sailboat in poor condition.

The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for May 1 at 7:00 pm.

By Laura Fedak Pedulli

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