Children’s author Loree Griffin Burns will visit Old Hammondtown School, Rochester Memorial School, and Old Rochester Regional Junior High School May 27, 28, 29 and June 1 to speak to students in Grades 5 through 7. Old Hammondtown School students will enjoy a program based on Ms. Burns’ book, Tracking Trash, Rochester Memorial School will focus on Citizen Scientists, and 7th graders will hear a program based on Ms. Burns’ latest book, Beetle Busters, about the Asian Longhorn Beetle infestation in the Worcester area.
The public is invited to a MOBY (My Own BackYard) event on Saturday, May 30 at 1:00 pm, when Loree Burns will present a citizen science program based on the Lost Ladybug Project. The program will begin at the Plumb Memorial Library in Rochester and move to a nearby field on Dexter Lane. Ms. Burns will teach children and their families to collect ladybugs, photograph them, and then upload their data to the Lost Ladybug Project website ( where their data will be used by scientists keeping track of North American ladybug species.
The Saturday program is part of the Tri-Town libraries project, My Own BackYard (MOBY) federally funded with LSTA funds through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. MOBY is a year-long science and nature exploration program for students in grades three through eight and their families.
To register for the library Citizen Science program on Saturday, May 30 at 1:00 pm, please call Rochester Library at 508-763-8600.