It took about eight full hours for the review committee to get through the 48 applications the Town received for the part-time fire chief position. And the one thing Town Administrator Paul Dawson could say for certain to the Marion Board of Selectmen on May 5 was, “We have an extremely strong pool of very qualified applicants.”
The review committee, which included Dawson, Selectman Jody Dickerson, and two fire chiefs from neighboring towns, has formed some preliminary thoughts about which applicants will advance to round two of the application process. Dawson said he should have a list of finalists to share with the board within the next three weeks.
“The applicant pool is strong.” Dawson said again. “A lot of interest in this position and a lot of qualified people have applied.”
The two fire chiefs helping review applicants, said Dickerson, “[have] never seen a stronger pool of applicants.”
The question will no longer be which candidate should we pick, said Dawson. The question will be, how do we pick just one?
“It will be a difficult decision, but for good reason,” Dawson said.
In other matters during the May 5 meeting of the selectmen, the board approved the appointments of several new officers at the Beverly Yacht Club, located at 99 Water Street.
“Why do we approve the officers?” asked Selectman Stephen Cushing. That’s a really good question, Dawson told him, saying it is simply a regulation of the yacht club.
The board also voted to accept the Beverly Yacht Club’s choice for a new manager, Robert Wayne Shorter, after a brief conversation about his past life and experience.
Shorter will replace outgoing manager Dean Lavoie who has steered his career path toward Gloucester.
Also during the meeting, Dawson updated the board on the hiring process of candidates to fill the newly created position of coordinator at the Marion Music Hall. Nine applications were submitted before the deadline passed last Friday, May 1. Dawson said he would introduce the name of the applicant who will be recommended for the job at the next meeting.
The next meeting of the Marion Board of Selectmen is scheduled for May 19 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Town House.
By Jean Perry