Rochester Board of Selectmen Chairman Richard Nunes’ concern over the limited field space for youth sporting events prompted him to ask Town Administrator Michael McCue to put together a list of all town-owned properties so the board could assess if creating more sports fields was a feasible option in Rochester.
At Dexter Lane, for example stated Nunes, “You have so many games going on … that they’re bumping into each other over there.”
There is another field slated for construction at the Dexter Lane Athletics Fields, but the league is waiting on some financial assistance from other surrounding towns, given that the sports are regionalized.
Town Counsel Blair Bailey, on hand at the May 4 meeting for another matter, told the board that he has seen the girls’ softball team affected by simultaneous lacrosse games and such that have squished games into limited spaces.
“They (girls’ softball team) can’t even use the outfield,” said Bailey. “There’s a shortage of field everywhere.” He said Tabor Academy has fields in Marion, but there are very few public fields. “We do need more,” Bailey said.
Nunes asked McCue if he could gather the lot size information for the properties listed to get a better idea on which parcels might be large enough to accommodate a sports field. However, Bailey reminded Nunes that there is often wetlands smack dab in the middle of these parcels.
“We may have a big piece of land, but it might be soaking wet,” Bailey said.
Most of the other open space properties for sale in town that could house a new field, said Bailey, have price tags that are too high for the league to afford, mentioning specifically the old airport.
Nunes referred to the youth programs using the fields at ORR, which are interfering with other sports programs at the school.
“So everybody’s bumping into each other,” said Nunes.
McCue said he would gather further information for the board to review at another meeting.
Also during the meeting, Planning Board Chairman Arnold Johnson briefly discussed the board’s three bylaw amendment articles to appear on the June 8 Annual Town Meeting Warrant before the selectmen voted to refer the articles back to the Planning Board.
The first article amends the limited commercial district to allow for mixed-use within the zone, providing developers with the opportunity to combine commercial with residential housing on the same lot.
“Right now you have to do either all commercial or all residential,” said Johnson.
The article also cleans up the bylaw language, for example, by striking antiquated terms such as typewriter repair and hat making shops from the language.
“We’re not proposing expanding the limited commercial district in any way,” Johnson clarified. The Planning Board held a public forum for area landowners to attend to contribute to the discussion of the bylaw amendments, which Johnson said was successful in addressing any concerns of the residents. “I think most everybody there understood what we were trying to do.”
A second article will define mixed-use within the bylaw, and a third article, provided as a fallback article should the first limited commercial district bylaw be struck down at Town Meeting, is a less restrictive version simply allowing for mixed-use.
Bailey advised splitting the articles up into three in order to avoid bogging down Town Meeting should questions and strong opposition arise against specific portions of the bylaw amendment.
In other matters, the board approved several policy updates and changes presented by Town Treasurer Cynthia Mello. Most regarded HIPAA policy adoptions and town investment policies.
In other news, McCue said the final total deficit for ice and snow removal is $146,591.74 beyond the budgeted $68,000, bringing the total fiscal year 2015 spending on snow removal to $214,591.74.
The Town will also be moving overdue and outstanding ambulance transport bills to Small Claims Court after several residents failed to respond to letters mailed out alerting them to the payment collection. Outstanding ambulance transport invoices total $25,000.
The board also voted to forego its Right of First Refusal for 0 Snipatuit Pond Road.
The next meeting of the Rochester Board of Selectmen is scheduled for May 11 at 6:30 pm at the Rochester Town Hall.
By Jean Perry