Rachel Brown, an outreach volunteer for Heifer International for over 10 years, will speak at the 10:00 am church service on May 17. At 9:00 am, the youth of the church will hold a pancake breakfast. This is an exciting opportunity to hear about Heifer International, its programs around the globe, along with first account stories of the impact of Heifer’s work in communities. Ms. Brown has visited projects in Maine, Armenia, Cameroon and Honduras.
Heifer International’s mission is to end world hunger and poverty. The animals they provide give food and a reliable income, which bring communities opportunities for schools, agricultural cooperatives and small business funding.
Their core model is “Passing on the Gift.” Families share the training they receive, and pass on the first female offspring of their livestock to another family. For 70 years, Heifer has worked in 125 countries (including U.S.) and helped 22.6 million families.
Heifer is now working to have a greater impact on more families in an even shorter period of time. One such project Ms. Brown will highlight is the East Africa Dairy Development Project.
All are invited on May 17. Come to the 9:00 am pancake breakfast in the Community Center (144 Front St, rear of parking lot) and the 10:00 am church service (28 Main St) to hear firsthand about this amazing organization.